The Beginning of New Technologies

Cold Graphics

I am working on a 2-dimensional graphical engine for a new game called Cold Raven… It will be available to the public a week after Cold Raven is published. Things this engine will feature:

  • Smooth, realtime lighting
  • Fast primtive-based terrain splatting
  • HDR effects
  • Top-down 3D effects… for things that apear to have changing perspectives, such as grenades, trees, walls, rain, clouds, roofs etc.

Cold Universe

A free map editor will soon be available for use in your own games and our newest game in progress, called Cold Raven. Ryan talked a bit about this in an earlier post! Features:

  • Place walls, floors, spawn points, lights, people and general objects.
  • Easily control your creations an manipulate the things you can place.
  • A free script for loading your maps.

Ultimate Game-development Engine 0.2

This is a bit like our upcoming Ultimate Game-developent Environment (the work-in progress dev environment, which is not just an engine), however it’s being built as a single engine for Game Maker. 0.2 will only be for Topdown shooting games, but it will still include quite a lot of stuff:

  • Create people, walls, and weapons
  • Handle your realtime assets (objects)  by application of flexible handler scripts (no need for any complicated programming)
  • Support for online games (using 39dll) , including easy server and client management
  • Online map-transfering; for when you wish to send maps (levels/arenas) with the server to clients who don’t have the subject map on their computer yet.

Cold Extras

This will just feature a few extra things, including a system built around FMOD (a sound DLL written by icuurd) and Artificial-intelligence written for topdown-games.

Complete Package

This will include everything above and combine it all with comprehensive examples, which will completely demonstrate all aspects of our new technologies. It will be everything you’ll need to make an awesome TDS game, plus it will all be free. All you’ll need is Game Maker 8 pro, which you can buy from

Cold Online

This is exclusively for selected developers who we trust, however any one can use the service provided by it. It’s the next great setup for an online community built around gaming (sort of like Steam), aimed at competing with Reflect Games.  That’s all we can say for now. Thanks for reading!

– Ben

MapMaker v0.00.04

Hey everybody, Ryan here just showing you guys a little preview of our Viblicent brand MapMaker. My main focus for this map maker is to look past the traditional GameMaker room editor and enable ways for our games to interact with each and every object as they are created making it as flexible as possible. The goal for our MapMaker is to create something that, with very little changes, can be used for a wide variety of our games… of course we also hope for us to have a client released, this allowing users to create and share a wide variety of maps/levels form their own brains and share them with the rest of the Viblicent community. We here at Viblicent are avid minds looking to expand our name accros many platforms as quickly as possible and we hope to see flexibility and customization help us reach the top.


Direct 3D Setup!

Okay, we’ve got a triangle to render in one of the earliest compiles of the Uge SDK. I have to admit it, fixing the code for this was really a pain. I originally wrote some very sloppy code, but now it’s forming into a well-made product. I know a triangle isn’t much, but consider how much it took to make it as simple as it is from the abstracted end, and you’ll understand the accomplishment we’ve made here.

Uge Setup

Uge Setup

Kite Man

This is Kite man:

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 2

Kite Man menu

Kite Man menu

It’s an adventure/RPG game which takes place in a twisted reality, your task is to turn back the unreal world into normal life. As the main character, you don’t really understand what has happened in your little world until a unique character in the game talks to you about the reason why clouds shoot lightning bolts, flowers throw things at you, and why flying pigs and fireflies are your best friends. It’s a cute game, however, it’s not light-hearted at all. Shooting down flying flowers with guns is not really cute, is it?

Anyway, I hope you have gained some excitement for this game!

Welcome to our Blog!

Hello, this is Benjamin Bowen, and I would like to wish you a welcome to our Blog! Here we will talk about how it is going over at Viblicent.